Resources & Databases
Accelerated Reader
Access to reading quizzes to test comprehension.
(Digital collection of magazines, journals, newspapers, images, videos and eBooks)
(News, global viewpoints, reference materials, country information, primary source documents, videos, and statistics. Updated daily and offers 250 different country topic pages and more than 400 Issue pages.)
Overdrive Resources in Context
Gale Student Resource
(Offers contextual information on a broad range of topics, people, places, and events)
(Collection of mostly fiction eBooks and eAudiobooks to be downloaded and enjoyed on personal devices and Chromebooks)
(PreK-3 database for reading and research about animals, science, biographies, and social studies)
World Book Online for Students
(Digitized encyclopedia and dictionary, interactive maps, world atlas, and citation maker)
Below are links to resources and databases for our Y115 students. These links are also available to students in their Y115 Bookmarks folder under “K-3 Tech” and “4-6 Tech.”